Sunday, July 3, 2011


With three little ones who want the same thing at the same time, we have several "fits" a day over who can play with what.  Lana Grace is older and is able to play with some things that the babies just aren't ready for.  One of these things is her beloved beads.  She plays with beads any chance that she has and never seems to tire of them.  She sorts them continuously and in a million different fashions.
Our Sunday nap schedule is a little different and today the babies got up about the time she wanted to "play beads."  This means that Lana Grace gets to go into the dining room and close the door to be by herself and play.  Annabeth is our curious child.  She really wants to do big girl things already.  She wants to wear hats and necklaces and "preees" (her word for pretty flowers) in her hair.  Today she caught a glimpse of Lana Grace through the window and wasted much of the next 30 minutes just sitting and watching.  I don't know how content she was to watch and she obviously can't tell me that she wants to play that too but eventually she just went to the playroom.  
So much of that scene reminds me of things I have struggled with in my past.  I am thankful to say that I believe that I have overcome much of that and am truly content in my life now.  But there are those days when a quick look at something as simple as facebook can make me long for some material thing... a new car, a beach vacation, a trip to the mountains, a night out at a great restaurant, more of this, the best of that, less of this....whatever, whatever.
I am so blessed!  Today's sermon reminded me that if for nothing more, I'm blessed because I was born in this great nation.  So my prayer today for me, for Annabeth, and for you if you need that we would be content with our lives and all of our blessings.  

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