Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Updates

We are just amazed at the milestones that the babies are reaching.  They change and grow daily.  I haven't captured it yet but I am pretty sure that they grow during their nap!  We went to the doctor at the end of last week for their check up (oops, little late for the one year). Amelia weighed 30 1/2 lbs and Annabeth weighed 23 lbs.  So one on each hip means that we get to carry around over 50 pounds of sweetness!

Amelia makes the cutest little turtle face when we ask her if something is good.  She makes an "mmmmm" sound and stretches her neck up as far as she possibly can.  If she doesn't like it, into the floor it goes!  She tried to say her name today after the hundredth time that I asked and "a-nun-nuh" came out.  It was cute.

I realized this week that Annabeth points to flowers and says "fre-eee" almost with a break between so as to make two words.  It is obvious to us that she is trying to say pretty flower. I guess we should have just called them flowers.  She also loves to wear flower hair clips in her hair.  She will place them on top of her head over and over until you hook them in.  So cute.

Annabeth is walking everywhere, still with her arms up in the air like a little monkey.  It is precious.  She carries shoes (anyone's shoes, no preferences) around and rubs them on her feet until you put shoes on her. Amelia has taken a few steps and her little eyes just light up when you coax her to come to you.  She is so sweet-natured.  She LOVES to play with the toys and would really rather play alone, just figuring out how each thing works.  Annabeth is still the swiper so Amelia's fun is usually interrupted. :(

Such sweet blessings.  Such treasured moments.  Thank you God for all of our miracles.

Bath time is one of our favorite times of the day.  I love this picture of Annabeth concentrating so hard on filling up the watering pail through the spout.  Notice the "tongue out" - a true sign of Overton concentration.

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