Sunday, June 26, 2011

That kind of day...

It's that kind of day.  What kind of day you ask?  Well, it is the kind that makes you ready for the next one with hopefulness in your heart.

It is the kind of day that:
at 10:50 (5 minutes after church starts) your two year old is sitting in the time out chair with nothing more than a pull up on

you feel "properly dressed" for church because you made it through the door without snot on your shoulder

upon reentering your house, your deadbolt lock shatters

you enter the bedroom to the smell of blueberry poop and you are the only one concerned that it is all over the bed

while fussing about the popsicle juice that is spilled on the stairs, you spill your entire glass of sweet (southern sweet) tea

your child is choking on a chip that she swiped from the table at lunch and she has locked her feet around the highchair - you can't remove her for love nor money and the lady at the next table glares at you for the rest of your meal (while texting child welfare under the table....just kidding!) has been busy around here. I hope that you are having a blessed Sunday.
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! :)

1 comment:

  1. When someone comes into church later than me (and sits down right behind me), I am always smiling on the inside that I WASN'T the very LATEST to arrive:)
